Remington’s Recovery from Herniated Disk

One of my dogs, Remington, suffered a freak injury end of May 2018, resulting in a herniated disc in his thoracic vertebrae area, resulting in difficulty using his rear legs.

When the injury happened, he was on his way outside to play. I had picked up the throw rugs to wash them, and hadn’t yet put clean ones on the linoleum floor.

He ran to go outside, and I watched him turn the corner: His front end went one direction, the rear the opposite…..I ran outside after him. While he didn’t seem 100% fine, it was nothing like a few hours later: he was dragging both rear feet.

I called his chiropractor’s office, and we were given a time to be there for treatment. Dr. Sehn immediately referred us to a neurologist without adjustments. We had a consult with Dr. Powers the next day.

He had an MRI and consult (resulting in surgery to remove the affected disc beginning of June 2018); and his recovery and rehabilitation took a year, beginning with the neurologist’s mandated two weeks of strict crate rest with range of motion exercises (I carried him out to relieve himself, then back to his crate), and the prescribed walking protocol for 4 weeks (after the crate rest).

He was walking better, using his back legs, but wasn’t where I wanted him to be. So, our next activity swimming twice weekly for 5 weeks at Heavenly Spa with certified swim therapist professionals. The swimming helped immensely! He was using his rear better! He was greatly improved, but a paw would still flip over and he wouldn’t put it pads down.

Remington receives Massage and Range of Motion exercises during his swim therapy.

Remington receives Massage and Range of Motion exercises during his swim therapy.

At that time, a good friend recommended the Certified Professional Canine Fitness Trainer course to me to help with Remington’s recovery. The certificate course took a year, and Remington (along with other dogs) were my case studies. Remington loves the equipment and working out.

I successfully passed the test in September 2019, earning my CPCFT designation.

Remington continues to work out on the equipment to maintain his strength and flexibility. He receives chiropractic care on a regular schedule. He’s also a visiting therapy dog, going to the local college during finals week.

Remington working on the infinity ‘mountain’. He is wearing a non-restrictive harness, and my hand is on the back strap to steady him.

Remington working on the infinity ‘mountain’. He is wearing a non-restrictive harness, and my hand is on the back strap to steady him.

Favorite equipment from TotoFit: K-9 Kore Wedges, 50 cm Nubby Infinity, various sizes of smooth Infinities (30, 40, & 70cm), K-9 Kore Roller, Small WedGee, K-9 Kore BISKIT, K-9 Kore DISKIT, Smooth TotoPawds.
